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أدوات الموضوع إبحث في الموضوع انواع عرض الموضوع
قديم 28-10-11, 07:36 AM   #1
زاهية بنت البحر
تاريخ التسجيل: 14-09-2011
المشاركات: 18
زاهية بنت البحر is on a distinguished road

ترجمة \د.إيمان حمد الحسيني

I knocked Your Door

The tomb of the beloved in the passion of spirit I visit
Wishing for intercession some day when I apostrophize

I gaze at it while, my tears racing my sight
quilted in longing, reciting poetry

O heart is no longer patient
out of fire longing became by pulsating crying at it

traveling with full moon wherever night takes him
rushing like the infatuated in the world of his aspirations

"Who told the spirit that the messenger exists in it!"?
This is a question strange in its meanings

God tells it what we ignore
and the spirit longs for what the heart purchases

Spirit is infatuated by him and love caused its insomnia
passion was pitied by whispers of its repellents

Don’t ask spirit about the moans of its companion
unless it experienced their love in the love of his creator

Love combines who were true to passion
maintained cordiality, and never betrayed its people

I seek him even if I tried to crawl in a desert
uncaring of sand if by tears I water it

I wouldn’t care if a shower of my blood flowed over
the rocks whose streams were never dried

Beloved of my Lord Allah complying with orders of God
This is dignity, how it was humiliated for Him

How many fires were set in the heart of those who were despondent
of who demolished the guidance religion in revenge of its advocates

and I never experienced doubts of others setting fire of
mistrust of whom I would sacrifice my soul for

I won’t conceal my longing in its turning over
over the firebrands despite its long nights

O God who by love you exalt us
may you honor the heart, and accept its tears

you deposited it in the protection of whom no visitor would be disappointed
If he said I wish, he would be granted, begging should only be addressed to him

I complain to you my God disease in my body
a complaint of the loving who would be cured by love

You are the creator who by the word ”Be” would relieve me
of whatever disease inflicted by I fear

I knocked at your door my Lord in aspiration
wishing for an answer for a worshipper whom you won’t neglect

I never asked people for help in a calamity
as long as I walk through my path guided by the light of God

ارجو من الله ان يجمعنا على خير وان تدعى لى كلما قرأتها

اختك فى الله

د. ايمان الحسينى

توقيع زاهية بنت البحر
[CENTER][FONT="Arial Narrow"][SIZE="4"][COLOR="DarkGreen"]سبحان الله وبحمده، سبحان الله العظيم
زاهية بنت البحر غير متواجد حالياً   رد مع اقتباس
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